Co-owner, Coach, and Chiropracter, Mandy Zimmerman brings 7- years of CrossFit experience to to CrossFit Tantrum. With a long history of athleticism spanning numerous sports, Mandy has a distinctive set of experiences that lead them to specialize in mobility, stqability and functional movement. “I’m passionate about getting people to move correctly. We all face obstacles throughout our day that work completely against our body’s natural movement patterns. I enjoy finding and eliminating the incorrect movement patterns, and progressing the client to optimal, functional movement.”
Mandy is not only a well-rounded coach, but also practicing chiropractor in her two offices. She attributes her goal to help people move correctly through CrossFit to her background. “Being a sports practitioner devoted to natural approaches to treatment, it only made sense to approach exercise as that: natural and functional.”
- CrossFit Level 1
- D.C. Doctorate of Chiropractics
- C.C.S.P. Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician